Robert Joseph Alert, Jr
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Elkhart, Indiana
March 20, 1950 to May 09, 1969
ROBERT J ALERT Jr is on the Wall at Panel W25, Line 27
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Alert

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Robert J Alert
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Robert J Alert


26 Sep 2005


by a friend.
E-mail address is not available.

17 Apr 2006

Well, Rob, I wish we had had more time when I last saw you at ITR. I stop in at Rice on or about 5/9 each year. Mike stepped on a trap also and is 100% disabled. Ross and I made it home OK, don't know what happened to Tim. Rest in peace. Semper Fi, Al.

From a friend and fellow Marine, EHS class of 1968,
Al Sorokin


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 09 May 1969 2/5's rifle companies were conducting "search and clear" operations in Quang Nam Province. The 2/5 Command Chronology reports that two Marines were killed in action and three were evacuated after being wounded in action - two by mines, one by gunshot. The casualty database and other records show two men from 2/5 died that day as a result of "multiple fragmentation wounds", the term usually used for mines and other explosive devices, and one the following day from similar causes. The 2/5 Operations Journal for 09 May contains the following entries:
"0400H - A Marine from Company F detonated a boob trapped 105mm artillery round with pressure detonation located in a treeline at AT855515. Results: One USMC WIA and one USMC KIA."

"0835H - A man from Company F at AT854515 detonated a booby trapped 105mm pressure detonated artillery round located in a treeline. Results: One USMC KIA and one USMC WIA Evac."

Three deaths are believed to have resulted from these two incidents:
  • Pfc Robert J. Alert, Elkhart, IN, H&S 2/5 (KIA);
  • LCpl Edward Atkucunas, Philadelphia, PA, Fox 2/5 (DoW 05/10/1969); and
  • Pfc James A. Sanders, Pine Bluff, AR, Fox 2/5 (KIA).

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