Jose Quinata Aguon
Platoon Sergeant
Army of the United States
Umatac, Guam
February 05, 1932 to June 02, 1968
JOSE Q AGUON is on the Wall at Panel W61, Line 9
See the full profile or name rubbing for Jose Aguon

Jose Q Aguon
usarv.gif 199infbde.gif 12infrgt.gif

03 Oct 2005

I threw them up into the sky,
You turned around and shot and hit,
the targets though they did not die,
but I knew then that you were great,
a Marksman truly you were an Expert,
I saw you at your very best
Then and now forever in my heart
you are a Hero! in God's Kingdom
Rest In Peace.

From his nephew,
Jesse Thomas Quinata
749 Bishop Olano Drive, Santa Rita, Guam USA 96915

08 Oct 2006


This is his niece June L. Aguon, daughter of his brother Felipe Q. Aguon. My Uncle Joe died when I was only 6 years old but I do clearly remember his funeral. I am in contact with his second son Joseph D. Aguon who resides in Citrus Heights, Sacramento with his lovely wife Yolanda. Finally they are planning to go to Guam this December 2006 after 38 years being away from Guam. My parents Felipe and Anita L. Aguon, Aunts Josephine A. Sanchez, Brigida A. Gofigan and Uncle Frank Q. Aguon visited Uncle Joe's children (Joseph, Johnny, Cathy, Tony) and of course some of the nieces and nephews in Sacramento 2001 and which was a very lovely reunion but also a tearful one since we have not seen his children for over 34 years. The rest of his kids are Benny, Michael and Linda who were not able to be there but they are always in our hearts and minds and wish them well since we are not in contact with them at this time. Hopefully one day we will be able to meet all of them at one time in the future ... that is one of my wishes for my family.

June L. Aguon
Lakewood, Washington

15 Mar 2007

I love the Dad I never knew but think about all the time.

John Diaz Aguon


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 4th Bn, 12th Infantry lost four men on 02 June 1968 - two each from Charlie and Delta Companies:
  • C Company:
    • SP4 Lloyd M. Starkey, Hardy, VA
    • PFC Charles C. Bailey, Eureka, KS

  • D Company:
    • PSGT Jose Q. Aguon, Umatac, Guam
    • SP4 Peter A. Clavio, Newburgh, NY
His platoon leader, Gary Steger, posted the following note on another web site:
"I was Jose's platoon leader the day he was killed and standing next to him when he was shot. Jose saved my life that day. He was an exceptional soldier, a fine man, and always my hero."

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