William Carl Adams
United States Marine Corps
Junction City, Kansas
October 02, 1945 to August 23, 1969
WILLIAM C ADAMS is on the Wall at Panel W19, Line 99
See the full profile or name rubbing for William Adams

Combat Action Ribbon
William C Adams
3rdmaf.gif 1mardiv.gif 7thmarines.gif

30 Sep 2003

Sergeant William Adams was killed in Hiep Duc Valley just west of the Que Son Mountains. 2/7 had just been transferred there a couple of days before from the Hill 10 area around Danang.

He and several other men of Golf 2/7's Third Platoon were moving through high grass searching for some snipers. They came to a large boulder where Adams had his men stop while he went ahead to check it out. When he and Kenith Jarrell went around the rock they were killed by an NVA who was dug in under it. Later that day Heyward Peleiholani killed the NVA only to be killed himself a couple days later.

This was Sergeant Adams' second or third tour in Vietnam. He had been in the Que Son Mountain area before and told us that it was a rough area and we should be ready for a lot of contact.

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