From Houston, Texas
19 January 1949 - 06 May 1968
03 May 2007 Dear Harvey,
I wrote this poem for you and want you to know we all miss you so much. It's been so long, but you will always be a part of us. The hole that was left when you died will never be filled.
Dear Brother,
It's been thirty long years
since you've been gone
When you left to fight
that war so far from home.
It was such an awful war
And you were just a boy,
But you fought the fight so bravely,
And I'm so proud of my brother.
Your baby boy has grown
And has a family of his own.
Though they never met you
They know every thing about you
And In their eyes you stand so tall
And they sure love their grandpa.
I still have all your letters
I still carry your pictures
with me every day.
I remember all the good times
that we shared.
And just wanted you to know
I still care.
I placed some flowers on your grave today
And got down on my knees to pray
To the Father up above
To always hold you in his love.
Dear Brother,
I know you can hear me
I know you can see me
From up there in heaven
Cause you're my guardian angel.
And you'll always be my hero.From his sister,
Nancy (Cooley) Burns
The database page for Harvey Lynn Cooley
Memorial first published on 03 May 2007
Last updated 05/07/2007